Bible Studies
Study God’s Word with someone in East Ridge or Rossville. Gain experience by accompanying a Bible worker in giving Bible studies. Pray with and for Bible study contacts and follow up on lead cards.
Community Service
Use hands-on activities to help spread Christ’s love. Get involved in meeting the practical needs of those in the community.
Health Ministries
Volunteer and participate in events that encourage a healthy lifestyle. One such program is “Dinner With the Doctor,” which provides free health lectures, plant-based meals, and cooking classes on a monthly basis. The program begins in January with the showing of the documentary Forks Over Knives, followed by monthly meetings (except July, August, and December). Other components of the program include in-home cooking demonstrations, health coaching, and menu planning. Other events, like health fairs and stop-smoking programs, are also offered.
Hospitality Ministries
Make a person’s first contact upon entering East Ridge Church count. Extend the love of Jesus by warmly greeting everyone who enters the doors of the church. Connect visitors with church members, and set aside time to visit ill or struggling members in their homes or at the hospital.
Music Ministries
Provide inspiring and uplifting music for church services, holiday events, evangelistic programs, and Sabbath School. Use music to draw people closer to God and give each listener a better understanding of the gospel.
Personal Ministries
Be a friend! It’s the first step toward inviting someone into a saving relationship with Jesus. Get to know the neighbors of East Ridge and Rossville. Provide encouragement and prayer to those in need. Give Bible studies or start a small group. Allow God to use you to make a difference in someone’s life.
Small Groups
Invite seekers and believers to participate in fellowship and group Bible study in the East Ridge and surrounding areas. Small groups are open to people of all backgrounds regardless of church affiliation or lack thereof. Draw people to Christ while providing accountability in a family atmosphere. There are three small group meetings: 1) Tuesdays from 7 – 8 p.m., 2) Thursdays from 6:30 – 7:30 pm, and 3) Fridays from 6:30 – 8:00 pm. Email for locations.
Social Ministry
Encourage fellowship and interaction for the church body by providing socials, outings, and events. Provide a fun and friendly environment to bring the church together and foster the development of strong relationships.
Transportation Ministry
Provide transportation to Sabbath services for those who need assistance. Volunteers alternate their transportation services or help as needed. This ministry serves the East Ridge and surrounding areas within a close proximity of the church. About 12 people are able to take part in church activities with the help of this ministry.
Women’s Ministries
Provide support to the women of the East Ridge Church in all phases of life, encouraging them to serve Christ and others. This is accomplished through mentoring, resources, support, Women’s Bible study groups, educational seminars, projects of service to the church and community, and social events.